There are several quick and easy ways to unclog a toilet with poop in it. You can also use these methods on any other toilets you have that may be experiencing the same problem!
There’s nothing more unpleasant than clogged drains, especially when they’re filled with fecal matter. And yet we all know how bad things could get if not dealt with quickly – so let’s take a look at your options for getting rid of this disgusting mess without having to shell out loads of money for expensive plumber services or risking being sprayed by foul-smelling water as soon as you turn on the tap.
Using Toilet Brush:
When it comes to unclogging a toilet with poop still in it, the first thing you need is a toilet brush and some plastic bags. Go ahead and get rid of any excess water in the bowl by dumping towels or rags inside (or even replacing water with another clean bucket if you don’t have anything else) and pushing down on them so they soak up the freshwater. When this is done, use your brush to get rid of all of the solid waste that remains stuck to the sides – carefully remove each piece individually, making sure not to break anything off.
Using Plunger:
This tip is especially useful if you have a 1 or 2-piece toilet – but even if you don’t, give this one a try. The process of how to unclog a toilet with poop still in it using the plunger is fairly straightforward: simply place your plunger over the toilet bowl and pump it up, making sure to get a tight seal. Then quickly release the suction by pushing down on the handle of the plunger – this will create great pressure that should be able to strip whatever is stuck in your drain and send it back downstairs.
Toilet Snake:
Using the snake will prove useful if you have an older or otherwise non-standard model – but even if your toilet and sink are fairly new, this one should work great for you. Simply take out your snake and feed it into the drain – it will get to work immediately, attempting to break up the clog and push it down as far as possible. Remove the snake when you can’t feel anything else in there, or if you are unable to pull any more of it out (be careful how much you pull through so that your bathroom doesn’t end up covered in sewage water!
Using Water Line:
If the aftermath of your clogged drain is spilling out into the waterline, then there’s more than just one problem that needs to be solved – but if possible, try this tip anyway. The first step would be getting rid of any excess standing water from around the rim of the bowl – call some local friends over and ask them for help flushing out the water, so that you have an easier how to unclog a toilet with poop still in it how can I how to unclog a toilet with poop still in it how does how to unclog a toilet with poop still in it.
Using Your Own Hands:
It is a highly efficient but dirty way to unclog your toilet. Depending on the size of clogging, you might need garbage bags as well and waterproof gloves before starting this process. Pump up and down with the plunger until poop sticks right into it; remove carefully from plunging after checking that all parts are flushed out again by flushing one more time while wearing protective gear such as rubber gloves or trash bag for hands protection in case there’s any splashback which can happen when removing fecal matter sticking onto your hands during removal phase.
Using Metal Cloth Hanger:
Having a clogged toilet is no fun. Lucky for you, there’s an easy way to remove the poop from the bowl without getting your hands dirty! The first things you’ll need is some waterproof gloves and either a wire hanger or another strong metal rod with plastic wrap around it (you can use pliers if needed). Stick one end of this into the backside hole on top of where all that gunk has collected in order to unclog it. Once everything loosens up, flush away until clean as new!
Using Coca-Cola and Plastic Foil:
Coca-Cola is a surprisingly effective agent for cleaning and unclogging the toilet. Four 20 fl oz (0.5 l) bottles of Coca-cola will do wonders, but be sure to use fresh Coke with soda instead of regular coke or diet coke because they don’t work as well!
Pour all four bottles into your bowl as fast as you can while covering it up with plastic foil – this prevents any spillage from getting on surfaces below like tiled floors or bathroom rugs that would require more time and effort to clean water in addition to making the problem worse by causing mold growth through liquid contact if left uncovered over an extended period of time. Wait one hour before removing the cover so it has enough time soften sh
Baking Soda and Vinegar:
The baking soda and vinegar mixture can be a powerful cleaner, but it also has the potential to create an explosive reaction. Be careful not to splash as you pour in one cup of water at a time – there will likely be many bubbles that could erupt from each teaspoonful!
Once your concoction stops making bubbling sounds, you’re finished with this step of cleaning. If necessary, continue by pouring boiling water into the bowl until all clogs are gone or for about three cups total if over-clogging is present.
The other option is to boil water in a large pot. After cooling liquid for a while, add one cup of baking soda and two cups of vinegar. Take care that the temperature isn’t too hot because it will prevent the reaction from occurring when you mix with toilet sludge; only use boiling water if your home’s pipes are clogged or backed up!
Pour this mixture into the bowl after letting it cool overnight so bacteria can have time to break down solid waste (gross!) Stir occasionally until no more bubbles form on top before washing away everything using cold tapwater again – repeat as necessary!
Using Shampoo:
You can remove blockages and clean your pipes with this easy recipe. First, pour in some hot boiled water from the kettle or pot on the stove into a container that’s taller than you are. Then add shampoo to make it bubble up like an old-fashioned soda fountain! Let it sit for about 15 minutes while objects soften before flushing away all of those nasty clogs down to their doom.
Using Household Bleach:
If your toilet is severely clogged, you should use bleach to clean it. Pour two or three cups of bleach into the bowl and wait for it dissolves all that nasty poop inside before flushing a few times.
Using Commercial Chemicals:
Chemicals are the most effective agents for this job, but there’s a catch. The question is whether they’re worth it considering their accompanying risk to your health and environment. But you can get something just as good at home in no time by using readily available products like dish soap or bleach-based cleaners that disintegrate poop with ease!
Thank you for reading this blog post. We hope that these tips will help you unclog your toilet successfully with minimal effort. If any of the steps we’ve discussed don’t work, please contact a professional plumber to fix the problem for you. When in doubt, always give it another go! In addition to clogs, toilets can also get backed up due to hard water or calcium deposits building on the inside bowl surface over time so be sure to check back frequently and use our list of helpful hints above when needed.

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